

Wednesday 9 September 2009

A No Pilates Zone!

"A No Pilates Zone"

This story was recently reported in the NY Times and seemed surprising. Why would a city declare a no-Pilates zone?

It turns out, a certain area in Santa Monica, Califonia (a wide traffic median to be specific) in the city was attracting too many physically fit and motivated exercisers and thus too much noise! While walking and running is allowed on the median, any loitering for sit-ups, kickboxing, Pilates, or Yoga stretching is forbidden.

A No Pilates Zone

Mr. Davis strode from his vehicle, stopping just feet from the wide traffic median where Kieran Clarke was clearly breaking the law. "Sorry, sir," he said, "I need to inform you that this area is for walking and jogging only." Mr. Clarke, who had been working his abdominals, stood up and quietly walked away.
That warning the other day was among hundreds that have been issued in a culturally tumultuous crackdown by Santa Monica officials against violators of a city ordinance, rarely enforced till now, that bars congregating on traffic medians.

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