

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Spinal Revolution Workshop.

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 Dear nisha 

This workshop will apply the basic principles of breathing, grounding and elongation of the spine to both gentle and challenging postures and discover the possibility of relaxation, enjoyment and freedom in our spines. The thoracic spine is built for rotation, flexion, and extension.

It is highly mobile - or, rather, it has the potential for lots of mobility. Because of its mobility, the thoracic spine must be used, must be moved. But it has to be known. If people are unable to visualize and feel the movement of the thoracic spine, or if they're unable to even grasp the concept of its existence, they'll just attempt to twist, rotate, flex, and bend with something familiar to them: the lumbar spine. That's bad news. A movement system that gently works the entire body opening energy pathways through rhythmic, spiraling movements. Fluid movements that feel like dance are smoothly and harmoniously connected through the use of breath, utilizing low stools and mats. All fitness levels, from novice to professional, can benefit from this system.

 Check in on Foursquare, Check in on Facebook or Book on the go.

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